Liesbeth Pauwels

1 sep 20203 minuten

Evolving the game: Women's Golf Day.

Bijgewerkt: 21 dec 2020

For any girl or woman who’s ever felt like she didn’t belong on the course, felt mistaken for the way she dressed-looked-behaved-talked or played, felt not welcomed, I hear & see you. I've experienced it too.

However, the moment we start to practice self empowering thoughts, the game begins to evolve because you will offer an example of thriving that will be of tremendous value to those who have the benefit of observing you, and to all of the girls and women in sports!

Actually, one of my favourite quotes by Marianne Williamson always empowers me when I have to uplift myself:

Who am I to be brilliant gorgeous talented fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God, your playing small doesn't serve the world. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

There’s been times I didn’t enjoy golf because I was putting so much pressure on myself to perform within the norm of what everyone expected of me. I learned to rise above this pattern. The game is a teacher if you’re open to it, and I wish that you trust your own unique growth path!

Driving the game forward. That’s my mission. To be surrounded by my strong sister friends while doing it, is a true joy!! So check out the latest @GolfersMagazine

for my golf fitness TPI BY & FOR WOMEN instructions, I’m so proud of it!

This is how I experienced golf back in my teens:

It was a hot summer the very first year I decided to start competing. I remember going from one tournament next into the other. And it happened to be on my birthday that I had a tee-time at one competition in the AM and later that day drove to a local charity event for another competition in the evening. During school nights I hung out (aka hitting drivers) with other golfers .. who were all guys. At school there was only 1 other golfer and we ended up being really good friends (and still are today). As you might already think, this golfer was also a guy. During my high school years I felt left out at school. Every single day, I didn't have many friends and it was difficult to make new ones because all my spare time was spent on the course training hard. But, on the course... I could be totally me. It felt safe to just be. And I immersed myself in everything involving golf. But all the girls in my league that played golf lived so far away or were women of 50 of age. And honestly I never actually connected with other golfing girls during the time I lived in Spain. I never did. It was only when I moved to Canada I became close friends with other girls that played golf. I got to meet some very passionate strong women at UBC and on my trips to Toronto, Orlando and California for TPI.

During my twenties was when I experienced too much pressure, and ended up feeling disconnected from the game and women in golf at some points. That has changed now.

I am incredibly grateful to have met (and still meet) strong intelligent wise women who keep inspiring me. Through golf I wouldn’t have met them! Because I know how it feels to feel left out.. I wouldn’t be here today with the feeling of sharing the responsibility to make other young girls and women feel at home on the golf course. And... most importantly help them feel connected to and empowered in their unique powerful bodies!! Whatever age, shape, golf handicap, goals, background, physical abilities, health condition .. .

Do you want to practice with me? Sign up for my newsletter for I'll be sharing exciting news on there very soon :) In the meantime, practice with me through my playlist.

Sharing my story, a couple of the hundreds of women golf photo's I have and my advice for WOMENS GOLF DAY . I hope you feel the energy and connection from afar, I don't think we celebrate it less because of the social distancing thing, but in fact just can celebrate and come together even closer!

September 1st is Women's Golf Day: "A global one-day event to engage, empower & support girls & women playing golf & learning the skills that last a lifetime."


Enjoy your round ladies,

and in case you ever need a supportive mentor,

I'm here for you sister!


