I help forward thinking golf academies, BRANDS
& community leaders
to build strong golfers and active members
"While golf may have been the dominant force driving country club membership since the end of World War II, health, fitness and wellness and more inclusive recreation will be the identifying characteristics over the next 20 years." Life Fitness
The benefits of a robust fitness program at a golf club are unassailable, both from a business and health perspective.
Operators understand 'why' they should start, but often wonder 'how'? Start by educating staff/members.
In today's world there's a huge payoff for golf clubs & academies who actively promote well-being and engage in programs that optimise golfers their physical resilience. It’s not only my expertise but also my mission to help your club/academy!
It is now becoming more accepted that, in order to improve golf handicap and keep golfers active for longer (and thus have more members for longer), a multimodal approach is required and both club leaders and academy professionals need to consider integrating physical golf routines and/or the TPI approach in order to help optimise golf performance and increase member longevity and vitality.
Especially in times like these, many clubs can take responsibility by providing the opportunity to get their members inspired. With my clinic and presentation my intention is to inspire, educate, promote and ignite golfers to take action with simple yet highly effective golf movement routines.