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The muscles of the athletic golf swing.

Foto van schrijver: Liesbeth Pauwels Liesbeth Pauwels

Bijgewerkt op: 21 aug 2022

Earlier this summer, my "Muscles Of The Athletic Golfswing' Poster was published in Golfers Magazine

This was a publication with the intention to increase awareness & provide education.

For my strong golfers community. But even more so for those who still believe that the sport of golf isn't one you should (& can) physically train for.

It's specifically targeted to educate about the importance of training the body in order to enjoy playing the game of golf really well, for a long time. And I hope this one helps golfers, golf communities, even golf professionals to step into action.

I love having my “Muscles of the athletic golfswing” poster up on the wall in my studio for my athletes to see while training and I have heard some of my readers and students have it hanging in their home gym too, which is giving them some extra inspiration, information or boost!

And while this lay out can be helpful in understanding the nature of the one sided explosive rotational golf swing and its muscles used, it is still a teaching tool. It’s not reality.

Everywhere we look in the body, we are integrated. But for educational purposes it was useful to represent the body as if it were composed of separable layers and components.

Although I have highlighted some of the key muscles of the golf swing, they are not separate. They are not complete.

Please keep that in mind when you’re learning about golf fitness training or actually doing golf movement training.

Golfers Magazine is the only place you can find my (Dutch) golf specific fitness & yoga exercise instructions. Unlike what's considered to be normal or even innovative these days in my field, I don't do instruction reels or share every single second of my coaching sessions with the internet. To be honest, I have felt the pressure to do so but it simply doesn't align at all in my body and mind. I respect working in silence.

Creating & developing new productions. (My last big production was last year for Me and My Golf!) And of course, sometimes sharing insights into projects, stories or moments of my athletes their journeys is what I feel my community and my athletes would benefit more of. Not for the fast content unhealthy insatiable world of instagram reels or TikTok. Rather focusing on sustainable, impactful, authentic, wholesome & quality.

That's why I have also made it super simple and crystal clear for golfers all over the world to gain access to my golfyoga method:

My online golf training plans:

1. Full Body Freedom

2. Fundamental Routines

(all in English)

Exclusive 1:1 coaching:

High Performance Program

(this is the ONLY way to receive my personal coaching & mentoring)

Speaking engagements, Clinics & Consulting:

Email with your request

The Golf Yoga Retreat:

Currently WAITLIST only

I'm Thankful for the team over at Golfers Magazine for believing in and rooting for the importance of specific golf fitness-yoga exercises/ routines even long before golf fitness became popular.

Thankful for the ability and the space (every single edition since 2016!) to deliver massive value to the Dutch speaking golf community through new high quality & professionally developed instructions.

For access to all instructions, please consider subscribing to Golfers Magazine. (My plans Full Body Freedom and Fundamental Routines are a one time purchase lifetime access) If you’ve enjoyed (doing) my instructions or plans, I’d love to hear from you!! Send me a dm about the ways they have helped you be a more resilient agile golfer.

More to come!

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